Our gentle team of dentists can help you restore the look and function of a missing tooth with a dental implant. Dental implants are a natural looking, permanent solution for tooth loss.
Dental implants are used to replace a missing or damaged tooth. Unlike bridges or dentures, dental implants don’t need to be anchored to other teeth.
This makes implants a more permanent solution for fixing the gaps in your smile. During surgery, a titanium ‘root’ is placed into the jawbone. Once healed, the implant can support a crown or be used to secure a bridge or dentures in place.
Dental implants take a longer time to heal than many other treatments. While you’ll need more downtime than with crowns or a bridge, the benefits are also far greater.
Dental implants are strong and look and feel just like a natural tooth. They have very high success rates and if looked after can last a lifetime. Many people never need their dental implants replaced.
At your consultation, your dentist will examine your mouth to determine whether an implant is right for you. Dental implants are fitted over two appointments. During the dental implant procedure, a dentist will fit you with a dental implant to replace the root of your missing tooth. This surgery usually takes between one and two hours. The healing process can take between four and six weeks. At your follow-up appointment our dentists will fit you with a crown.
We use computer guided implant surgery for more accurate, long-lasting results and less downtime. Using 3D software and printers, we can virtually plan your surgery and reduce the risk of human error and complications.
Your titanium implant will be precisely positioned into the jawbone decreasing the chance of causing unnecessary damage to healthy gums or neighbouring teeth or making soft tissue incisions. Computer guided surgery also improves healing times.
30-minute consultation to confirm if an implant is right for you
Implants fitted over two appointments, several months apart
Sedation and anesthetic options during surgery
Guidance on how to care for your implant following surgery
Dental implants are a permanent solution for missing teeth and a more natural solution than dentures or a bridge. A dental implant is surgically inserted into your jawbone and once healed, functions the same as a natural tooth. They offer many benefits, including durability, functionality and improved aesthetics.
Dental implants may be the best option for a missing tooth. However, there are alternative options that don’t require surgery. These include a dental bridge, a partial denture or simply doing nothing. The reason dentists may recommend an implant over a bridge is that a dental bridge can trap bacteria under the apparatus. Denture attachments also need to be carefully cleaned. A dentist will usually recommend replacing a missing tooth as the gap can cause the neighbouring teeth to lean inwards.
You can clean your dental implant the same way you care for your natural teeth. Make sure you are brushing twice a day for two minutes and flossing between each tooth.